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Your wellness is our mission!
Beat the back-to-school rush– schedule your child’s immunizations today. To book an appointment or for more information about the immunizations, please call the Russell County Health Department at (270) 383-2181. Medicaid is accepted. Immunization records must be brought to the appointment. A legal guardian must be present.
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For information about WIC services, connect with our clinic here.
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Contact us via phone to schedule your appointment with Russell County Health Department.
WIC is a supplemental food program that provides nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support, education, nutritious foods and referrals to healthcare services. WIC improves the health of pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum women, infants and children up to age 5.
The Kentucky Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) program is a voluntary home visitation program for any new or expectant parents. HANDS supports families as they build healthy, safe environments for the optimal growth and development of children.
LCDHD offers Breastfeeding Support services, including access to our breastfeeding coordinator and peer counselors. Learn more about the services we offer expectant mothers and join us in the effort to promote successful breastfeeding.
View the Russell County Health Department Community Calendar for a schedule of our classes and events.
The Lake Cumberland District requires all food handlers to become certified food employees. It is EASY to get certified! Take the training and test available here.
Looking for a job in public health? Join our team of community health professionals. View our job openings.
Nestlé USA is initiating a voluntary recall of...
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Read MoreWe are proudly committed to the mission and vision statements of the Lake Cumberland District Health Department:
Mission Statement:
The Lake Cumberland District Health Department will prevent illness and injury, promote good health practices and assure a safe environment.
Vision Statement:
The Lake Cumberland District Health Department will be a leader in preventive health care, health education, and environmental monitoring in collaboration with the public and private sectors. We will show compassion and respect as we strive to improve the health of our communities.
Monday, January 27, 2014
The first meeting of the Russell County Board of Health was held on December 3, 1951. The health department was opened in the basement of the Russell County Courthouse on the square in Jamestown, Kentucky with three employees, a public health nurse, a sanitarian and a clerk/typist.
The following year, the Board of Health voted to adopt regulations on controlling pollution of Lake Cumberland. It was also voted that all food handlers in the county should have an examination consisting of a TB chest x-ray, syphilitic serum test and a physical examination.
In October, 1955, the Board voted to set normal business hours for the Russell County Health Department as follows: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to noon.
In April, 1959, the board discussed an immunization program directed toward the indigent population of Russell County that had not attended the immunization clinics provided at the Health Department. It was recommended that the public health nurse provide home visits to the indigent population to provide required immunizations.
In December, 1959, Well Child Clinics were added to the services of the Russell County Health Department. The clinics were to take place monthly, on the first Thursday, during the hours of 1:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m. The members of the medical society would alternate offering services in the clinic.
In November, 1960, the fluoridation of the proposed water supply for the Russell County Water District was discussed and was added to the newly established water district in March of 1961.
On November 21, 1961, the Russell County Public Health Taxing District was established by ballot, passing 1173 to 660.
In April, 1962, a resolution setting the tax rate of .08 cents per $100 assessed valuation was drawn up and presented to the fiscal court.
In October, 1962, an allotment of polio vaccine was issued to the Russell County Health Department. The Board agreed that administration of the vaccine would be given at the four elementary schools in the county starting with the first grade and working up the grade levels until it ran out.
In May, 1966, the Board voted that the Russell County Health Department would provide services through the Family Planning Program to include medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, educational material, counseling and prescribed birth control methods to best suit the patient’s needs.
In December, 1962, an “Individual Lot and Water Service Regulation” was adopted by the Russell County Health Board to tie in with Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requirements due to the increasing number of sewage systems malfunctioning under what was their current Subdivision Regulations.
In July, 1976, due to a fire in the Russell County Courthouse, it was recommended that the Board explore the possibility of the construction of a new health department to make the space, which it then occupied, available for other county officials.
In March of 1978, The Russell County Health Department applied to participate in the Women, Infant, Children (WIC) Program through the Office of Community Health Services.
In January, 1979, the Health Department took over the complete management of the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program for Russell County.
The new building dedication for the Russell County Health Department was held on August 11, 1979.
On July 1, 1982, a resolution executed by the Russell County Fiscal Court affiliated the Russell County Health Department with the Lake Cumberland District Health Department.
In March, 2009, plans for the construction of a new health department were presented to the Board of Health.
In July, 2011, the county moved into its current location on Fruit of the Loom Drive in Jamestown, Kentucky.
211 Fruit of the Loom Dr, Jamestown, KY 42629
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
(270) 383-2181