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Lake Cumberland District Health Department

A healthy today for a brighter tomorrow.

Reportable Diseases and Conditions in Kentucky

The mission of the LCDHD Epidemiological Team (Epi Team) is to prevent and control the spread of disease.

To report a disease on this list, please fax the required form (refer to bottom of page) to 606-229-7151 or call 800-928-4416 ext 1500.

REPORT IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE to the Kentucky Department for Public Health or local health department:

  • A suspected incidence of bioterrorism caused by a biological agent (e.g. smallpox)
  • An unexpected pattern of cases, or deaths, which may indicate an outbreak, epidemic, or a newly-recognized infectious agent or emerging pathogen which may pose danger to the health of the public.


Kentucky Department for Public Health in Frankfort 


Lake Cumberland District Health Department

This list of Kentucky’s Notifiable Diseases and Conditions contains the names of the disease or condition, the CDC recommended test for public health case classification, and the timeframe in which reporting is required to occur. 

*NOTE: The CDC Recommended Tests listed are for public health case classification.

Disease or Condition
(click on title for more disease information, causes, prevention measures, etc.)
Additional Information / ResourcesCDC Recommended Testing
(click for complete CDC testing recommendations and case definition)
Report Within
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM)KDPH AFM QuicksheetMRI5 days
Anaplasmosis Culture, PCR, IFA5 days
Anthrax Culture, PCR, IHC24 hours
Arboviral Diseases, neuroinvasive and non-neuroinvasive:
California serogroup virus diseases:
– California encephalitis virus
Jamestown Canyon virus
– Keystone virus
La Crosse virus
– Snowshoe hare virus
– Trivittatus viruses
Chikungunya Virus
Eastern Equine Encephalitis
Powassan Virus
St. Louis Encephalitis
Venezuelan equine encephalitis disease
West Nile Viruses
Western Equine Encephalitis
 Isolation, PCR1 day
Asbestosis  3 months of diagnosis
Babesiosis Culture, PCR, NAAT5 days
Botulism Isolation and identification24 hours
Brucellosis Culture and identification, PCR1 day
CampylobacteriosisCampylobacter Fact SheetIsolation, PCR1 day
Candida aurisUse EPID 250 and fax to 502-398-2462Detection24 hours
Carbapenem-resistant AcinetobacterUse EPID 250 and fax to 502-398-2462 24 hours
Carbapenem-resistant EnterobacteralesUse EPID 250 and fax to 502-398-2462Isolation24 hours
Carbapenem-resistant PseudomonasUse EPID 250 and fax to 502-398-2462 24 hours
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning COHb level1 day
Chagas Detection, NAAT, IgG5 days
Chancroid Isolation5 days
Chlamydia Detection, Isolation5 days
Cholera Culture1 day
Coal Worker’s Pneumoconioses  3 months of diagnosis
Coccidioidomycosis Culture, EIA, Serology5 days
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) and other prion diseases) WB confirmed protease-resistant PrP5 days
Cronobacter spp, invasive disease in an infant <12 months of age  24 hours
CryptosporidiosisKDPH Cryptosporidium Fact SheetPCR, EIA, DFA, Microscopy1 day
CyclosporiasisKDPH Cyclospora Fact Sheet PCR, Microscopy1 day
Dengue Virus Infections Culture, PCR, IHC, or IFA1 day
DiphtheriaKDPH Diptheria QuicksheetIsolation and identification24 hours
E. coli 0157:H7,Shiga toxin positive (STEC) Isolation and identification24 hours
Ehrlichiosis Culture, PCR, IFA5 days
Foodborne / Waterborne Disease Outbreak  1 day
GiardiasisKDPH Giardia Fact SheetEIA, DFA, Microscopy1 day
Gonorrhea Isolation, PCR5 days
Granuloma inguinale  5 days
Haemophilus Influenza, Invasive DiseaseKDPH Invasive Haemophilis Influenzae QuicksheetIsolation and identification, PCR1 day
Hantavirus Infection, Non-Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome PCR, ELISA, IFA, Western blot1 day
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) Detection1 day
Hemolytic Uremia Syndrome (HUS), post-diarrheal Anemia with microangiopathic on peripheral blood smear AND Renal injury1 day
Hepatitis A, acute IgM, NAAT24 hours
Hepatitis B, acute HBsAg AND IgM antibody1 day
Hepatitis B, infant or child aged five years or less (includes infants born to Hep B positive mothers at the time of delivery)Use EPID 394 formHBsAg AND IgM antibody1 day
Hepatitis B, perinatal infectionUse EPID 394 formHBsAg, HBeAg, HBV DNA1 day
Hepatitis C, acute HCV antibody, HCV RNA5 days
Hepatitis C, infant or child aged five years or lessUse EPID 394 formHCV antibody, HCV RNA5 days
Hepatitis C, perinatal infectionUse EPID 394 formHCV RNA, HCV genotype, HCV antigen5 days
Histoplasmosis Culture, Serology, PCR5 days
HIV Infection or AIDS diagnosisReport case by phone 1-866-510-0008 or mail (Do not fax) 5 days
Influenza – associated outbreaks/mortalityKDPH Influenza Quicksheet 1 day
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD)KDPH IPD QuicksheetIsolation1 day
Lead poisoning Blood lead concentration of ≥5 µg/dL (0.24 µmol/L)5 days
Legionellosis Culture, IFA, DFA1 day
Leprosy / Hansen’s Disease Detection1 day
Leptospirosis Isolation, PCR1 day
ListeriosisListeria Fact SheetIsolation1 day
Lymphogranuloma venereum  5 days
Lyme Disease Isolation, NAAT5 days
Newborns born to Hepatitis C positive mothers at the time of delivery  5 days
Norovirus outbreakKDPH Norovirus Resources 1 day
Novel influenza A virus infectionsKDPH Avian and Novel Influenza QuicksheetPCR, subtyping24 hours
Malaria RDT5 days
MeaslesKDPH Measles QuicksheetIsolation, PCR, IgM24 hours
Melioidosis Isolation, DNA, IHA24 hours
Meningococcal DiseaseKDPH Meningococcal QuicksheetCulture, PCR24 hours
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome associated Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) disease rRT-PCR24 hours
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection Detection24 hours
MumpsKDPH Mumps QuicksheetCulture, PCR1 day
PertussisKDPH Pertussis QuicksheetIsolation, PCR1 day
Pesticide-related illness, acute  1 day
Plague Isolation, Serology24 hours
Poliovirus, Paralytic Poliomyelitis and Nonparalytic Poliovirus InfectionKDPH Polio QuicksheetCulture, PCR24 hours
Psittacosis Isolation, PCR, CF, MIF, Serology1 day
Q Fever Culture, PCR, IHC, Serology1 day
Rabies, animal Isolation, DFA, dRIT, IHC, RR-PCR24 hours
Rabies, human Isolation, DFA, RNA24 hours
RubellaKDPH Rubella QuicksheetIsolation, PCR, Serology24 hours
Rubella, congenital syndrome (CRS)KDPH CRS QuicksheetIsolation, Detection, PCR, IgM antibody1 day
SalmonellosisSalmonella Fact SheetIsolation, CIDT1 day
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Isolation, PCR, EIA24 hours
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (The virus that causes COVID-19) Isolation, PCR, EIA24 hours
Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC)Shiga Toxin Producing E.coli (STEC) Fact SheetIsolation1 day
ShigellosisKDPH Shigella Fact SheetIsolation, PCR1 day
Silicosis Chest radiograph, Lung histopathology3 months
Smallpox CDC Only24 hours
Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Isolation, PCR, IHC, IFA5 days
Streptococcal disease, invasive Group A Isolation1 day
Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) Isolation and Clinical diagnosis1 day
Streptococcus pneumoniae, invasive disease Identification, Isolation1 day
Syphilis – primary, secondary, early latent, or congential Microscopy, PCR1 day
TetanusKDPH Tetanus QuicksheetClinical diagnosis1 day
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), other than Streptococcal Culture and Clinical diagnosis1 day
Toxoplasmosis PCR, Serology5 days
Trichinellosis Serology5 days
Tuberculosis Isolation, NAAT1 day
Tularemia Isolation, PCR, ELISA, Serology24 hours
Typhoid/Paratyphoid Fever Isolation1 day
Vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus Aureus and Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (VISA/VRSA)Use EPID 250 and fax to 502-398-2462Isolation24 hours

KDPH Varicella Quicksheet

KDPH Zoster (Shingles) Quicksheet

Isolation, PCR, DFA, Serology1 day
Vibrio (Vibrionaceae spp., other than Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139)Vibrio Fact SheetIsolation1 day
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF):
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever,
Lassa fever,
Lujo fever,
New World arenaviruses including:
Guanarito virus, Junin virus, Machupo virus, and Sabia virus
 Isolation, PCR, ELISA IHC and Clinical diagnosis24 hours
Yellow Fever Isolation, PCR, Serology24 hours
Zika Virus Disease Detection1 day
Abbreviations Key
CDITCulture-independent diagnostic test
CFComplement fixation
DFADirect Fluorescent antibody
NAATNucleic acid amplification test
EIAEnzyme immunoassay
PCRPolymerase chain reaction
ELISAEnzyme linked immunosorbent assay
RDTRapid diagnosis test
IFAImmunofluorescence assay
WBWestern Blot