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Lake Cumberland District Health Department

A healthy today for a brighter tomorrow.

Data and Reports

County-Level Information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Lake Cumberland District Counties’ Data 

County Factsheets

County Demographics

Community Health Assessment

Mobilizing for Action Through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) is a community-wide strategic planning process for improving public health. The framework of MAPP assists communities in prioritizing public health issues, identifying resources for addressing them, and taking action to improve conditions that support healthy livening. The Health Policy and Promotion Branch facilitated the MAPP process across the ten counties, where over 150 community partners participated. One result of this process is the 2020 Lake Cumberland District Community Health Assessments (LCDCHA) Booklet. The assessment booklets, provides statistical information, community input, and environmental forces that determine a community’s health status, behaviors, and needs. The data compares statistics for each county to both the district and state.

Community Health Assessment Reports

Community Health Improvement Plan

The Lake Cumberland Community Health Improvement Booklet is a result of the MAPP process. Each county created a health improvement plan to guide their steps toward a healthy community. These improvement plans will be implemented over the next three years. The plans are driven by all the community health coalition partners, to improve the health status of a county it takes everyone within a county working together.