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Home » Services » Health Services For Adults » Ryan White Part B Care Coordination Program
The Lake Cumberland District Health Department offers medical and social support services, referrals, and guidance for HIV-positive patients living in Central and Eastern Kentucky. Case management services are available through the Ryan White Part B Care Coordination Program. Care Coordinators serve as medical case managers that facilitate patient care by helping patients participate in HIV treatment without any barriers to care.
The level or amount of case management is based on an evaluation of a person’s needs at any given time and can include:
The overall intent of case management is to provide clients with a range of care using existing community services to the greatest degree possible. The goal is to help clients be as self-sufficient as possible.
Enrollment in the Care Coordination Program requires an annual certification to verify current income, residency status, insurance status, and eligibility in the program.
Financial assistance is based on household income and size. If you are at or below 500% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, you may be eligible for financial assistance with medical, dental and mental health needs, medications, health insurance premiums and transportation.
Case management services at the Health Department are for persons who are HIV positive. The initial intake is meant to provide education and information about the program. Other resources for services will be given depending on an evaluation of your needs.
To make an appointment or if you have questions, please call 800-928-4416 and ask to speak to a Ryan White Care Coordinator. A Care Coordinator will collect basic information about you and schedule you for an initial intake appointment with a medical case manager. Please refer to the checklist of documents you will need to provide at your first appointment. All information is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
The first meeting with your case manager will give you an opportunity to:
Please provide one from each of the following areas:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM